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How to use Design Editor

Design Editor Interface


Design Editor Interface
(1) Print Area
Print Area can be switched if there is more than one area to design.
(2) Logo / Artwork Data Upload
Logos and designs can be added as images.
(3) Adding Text
Text can be added.
(4) Undo/Redo
Operation can be Undo/Redo.
(5) Zoom In/Out
The editor view can be zoomed in and out.
(6) Select Printing color selection (single-colour printing only)
For single-colour printing, be sure to select the print color.
(7) Show/Hide the Grid
The grid can be shown/hidden.
(8) Preview & Save
Proceed to preview and save the edited design.

Design Editor Interface

Design Editor Detail Interface
  1. Left: Selected object placed foremost.
  2. Right: selected object placed backmost.
  1. Duplicate selected objects.
  1. Align Top: Aligns the selected object to the top.
  2. Align Bottom: Aligns the selected object to the bottom.
  3. Align left: align the selected object to the left.
  4. Align right: Aligns the selected object to the right.
  5. Align Horizontal: Aligns the selected object horizontally to the centre.
  6. Align Vertical: Aligns the selected object vertically centred.